Paint Jobs You Could
Only Dream Of
The Art of Automotive Paint
Properly painting a vehicle takes patience, practice, and years of experience. Our vehicle paint professionals in Powhatan, VA, are trained to have a quality standard that is unmatched.
The majority of our vehicle painting is collision-related, but we are also happy to provide custom paint jobs for clients who need a color change. At Powhatan Collision and Glass LLC, we accept insurance claims that stem from accidents on the road. This is the majority of our business.
To schedule any painting service, insurance-related or not, please call us.
Getting The Job Done Right With the Latest Technology
Powhatan Collision and Glass, LLC also specializes in refinishing services. Many things can strip or fade the paint from your car, including weather conditions and even soap. We will refinish your vehicle by giving it a new coat of paint, and it will look better than new!
Have you been in an accident recently? Call us. We are your vehicle painting and collision repair specialists.
Powhatan Collision and Glass LLC
4160 Old Buckingham Road
Powhatan VA 23139
Business Hours
Monday - Friday 8 am - 5 pm